SpanishSpeaking Countries, Spanish, Spain

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SpanishSpeaking Countries, Spanish, Spain

Spanish Speaking Countries

Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, with over 500 million speakers worldwide. It is the official language of 21 countries, including Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Cuba, Uruguay, Colombia, and Chile. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at these seven Spanish-speaking countries and their populations.


1. Spain

With a population of 47.163.418, Spain is the largest Spanish-speaking country in Europe. Spanish is the official language of the country, and the vast majority of the population speaks it as their first language. However, there are also several regional languages spoken in different parts of the country, including Catalan, Galician, and Basque.


2. Argentina

With a population of 46.263.633, Argentina is the second-largest Spanish-speaking country in South America. Spanish is the official language of the country, and the vast majority of the population speaks it as their first language. However, there are also several indigenous languages spoken in different parts of the country, including Quechua and Guarani.


3. Mexico

Top 25 Things to Do in Mexico City – Fodor's Travel Guide

Mexico is the largest Spanish-speaking country with a population of 129.150.971. Spanish is the official language of the country, and the vast majority of the population speaks it as their first language. However, there are also several indigenous languages spoken in different parts of the country, including Nahuatl and Maya.


4. Cuba

Cuba is one of the smaller Spanish-speaking countries in the world and it has 11.008.112 population. Spanish is the official language of the country, and the vast majority of the population speaks it as their first language. However, there are also some people who speak Haitian Creole and English.


5. Uruguay

With a population of 3.407.213, Uruguay is one of the smallest Spanish-speaking countries in South America. Spanish is the official language of the country, and the vast majority of the population speaks it as their first language. However, there are also some people who speak Portuguese and Italian.


6. Colombia

Colombia is one of the most populous Spanish-speaking countries in South America. Spanish is the official language of the country, and the vast majority of the population speaks it as their first language. However, there are also several indigenous languages spoken in different parts of the country, including Wayuu and Nasa Yuwe. Cuba has  a population of 52.156.254.


7. Chile

With a population of 19.539.143, Chile is one of the smaller Spanish-speaking countries in South America. Spanish is the official language of the country, and the vast majority of the population speaks it as their first language. However, there are also some people who speak Mapudungun and other indigenous languages.

Spanish is an important language in the world, and its widespread usage makes it an important language to learn. It is the second-most spoken language in the world and is an official language of many international organizations, including the United Nations and the Organization of American States.

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