Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, Frodo
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas tempus risus diam, ac porttitor mi tempus nec. Etiam interdum nunc vitae eleifend dapibus. Vestibulum venenatis dignissim lorem, et pretium dolor ultrices a. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce tristique ante id tellus porttitor, ac egestas sem consequat. Curabitur dui felis, faucibus vel enim quis, laoreet vestibulum turpis. Duis gravida elementum eros a vehicula. Proin vestibulum ullamcorper urna a sollicitudin. Morbi cursus ex auctor metus maximus lobortis. Etiam viverra, risus in imperdiet tincidunt, elit enim viverra enim, quis mattis tortor tellus non nisl. In ultrices, nibh quis bibendum luctus, sapien tortor accumsan dolor, quis convallis tortor nibh ut mauris. Sed eleifend nibh lorem, id porttitor mauris elementum at. Nulla accumsan, magna in euismod accumsan, magna arcu suscipit dolor, et porta velit urna non erat. Curabitur non iaculis urna. Mauris ut neque in ligula maximus maximus. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, Frodo Praesent mattis ipsum vel sem placerat dignissim. Praesent fringilla, dolor in tincidunt commodo, eros dolor convallis metus, et cursus urna lorem vitae libero. Sed malesuada urna et sem ullamcorper bibendum non eleifend augue. In efficitur velit vulputate tellus iaculis elementum. Nullam tincidunt, dui a maximus egestas, nulla eros placerat odio, ac suscipit lorem turpis sed sem. Praesent facilisis, augue vel tempus lobortis, ante ante dictum erat, ac aliquet mi libero eu ipsum. Mauris sit amet sem convallis, aliquet tellus in, interdum nulla. Vestibulum mollis, ante nec facilisis accumsan, ex odio lacinia tortor, sit amet consequat massa arcu quis nulla. Fusce posuere ultrices odio, quis gravida nibh hendrerit egestas. Donec dictum est eget lorem malesuada, vel pharetra lacus pretium. Pellentesque convallis pulvinar ex quis tristique. Ut ac suscipit neque. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, Frodo Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, Frodo Maecenas efficitur consectetur venenatis. Phasellus vel volutpat purus. Mauris faucibus sem quis ultricies maximus. Sed diam mauris, ullamcorper a venenatis quis, dapibus ut lacus. Donec imperdiet auctor convallis. Nam eget aliquet sapien. Donec felis orci, vulputate vel odio a, vehicula aliquam velit. Integer nibh neque, varius vitae pellentesque ac, porta non felis. Curabitur suscipit tempor interdum. In et mattis felis, sed tincidunt ipsum. Modern Diller Sed tempor sagittis purus sed sagittis. Cras sagittis leo turpis, sed vulputate dui ultrices nec. In ut eros hendrerit dolor maximus accumsan. Donec pellentesque semper libero sit amet faucibus. Nullam id lectus lacus. Ut laoreet aliquam arcu, vitae imperdiet leo imperdiet vel. Nulla in elementum arcu. Etiam finibus sapien nec aliquet mollis. Phasellus eu quam nunc. Phasellus nec ipsum id enim dignissim aliquet nec id orci. Sed non maximus urna.
The Effects of The Ring on Frodo
John Ronald Rueuel Tolkien, the author of The Lord Of The Rings, uses the ring of power to represent power, hopelessness, and corruption. This wickedness is conceived by thw ring of power, which is thought to exist merely for the purpose of bringing evil to the world and annihilating the human race. The ring is emblem of witchery and sorcery, crafted by its evil lord, Sauron, to bring catastrophe upon te human race as depicted in ‘ The Fellowship of the Ring’. Some characters ( Men, Dwarves, Elves and the Council of Elrond in Rivendell) in that novel decided to destroy the rings as soon as possible to end the threat under which the whole earth was. Frodo Baggins had all the qualities of courage, generiosity and innocence to do this. This essay aims to demonstrate the ring changed behaviour of Frodo Baggins towards his own character, his acquaintances including Sam and Gollum and also he ceaselessly struggles with himself.
To begin with, the ring was very vigorous and it takes trustworthiness and verity to stand by it. The ring was described and paraphrased as ‘the one ring to rule them all, find them and bring thme all and the darkness bind them’ (Benna and Nicholas 665). On the face of it, the ring was the evilest thing on the Middle Earth because it brought about mercilessness, domination and corruption of every individual who finds it. The ring not only had active and mysterious powers but also was dangerous. The effects of the ring to Frodo Baggins based on the fact that whenever Frodo wears the ring, it tries to find its master that making him aware of the temperament and location of Frodo Baggins. Sauron, who the person of crafting the ring, immediately sends his servants to recover it but they fail every time. “It was not Gollum who made the decisions, Frodo. It was the ring itself. The ring left him.”(Tolkien,The Lord Of The Rings). As can be seen from this quotation, the effect of the ring on Frodo is so great that it makes Frodo not understand some of things that people in his life are doing also changes his behaviour and personality.
Another ring effect is both Frodo, of course it was mostly to do him, and his acquaintance Sam and Gollum. According to Frodo, the ring is possessed insalubrious power that begins to work on its keeper at once. If we give an example of this, the case of Sméagol(Gollum) exemplify the evil power hidden in its beauty and brightness. The ring took dispatch control of Sméagol's body, soul and transacts him to Gollum. “Such evil is described by th author as something that takes actions and not that is acted upon.” (Tolkien, 661). The power possessed by the ring ultimately becomes an completely different creature. To recover it, he decided to subjugate and to destroy its beholder.(Chance, 13). As can be seen from this quote, Frodo could be taken to the place of destruction to save the Middle Earth. The ring brought fear to Frodo as it seemed a big responsibility. (Bassham and Eric, 12). This is from another effect of the ring on Frodo. Frodo was beginning to feel as lonely, bad, and inept as spossible. All along, he had to go through the unexpected challenges were associated with the destruction of the ring. Frodo had t avoid the wearing of the ring in every case as it always tries to go back to its master. Also, it eases its finding by Sauron and his servants. The duty of taking the ring to destruction changes Frodo's life, energy and thoughts from merriness to extreme fear. “Frodo as an individual that is full of trepidation, diffidence with reluctance to save the Shire after Gandalf reveals that the ring belinged to Lord Sauron and it was a threat to any person bearing it.” (Tolkien, 665). Frodo seems to be doing his responsibility as a result of lack of other alternatives from this sentence it seems.
It was established that the ring would change the life of Frodo and his acquaintance, this include Sam, everlastingly. He was compelled to pass amidst the brutal and knock-down evil armies of Lord Sauron that were led by Saruman and was oftentimes attacked by mysterious creatures, including Sméagol. (Mathijs, 25). As seen from here, no matter how hard Frodo tried to protect Sam from the Lord Sauron a mysterious force was turning him upside down.
Last but not least, one of the most significant effect of the ring on Frodo is temptation.The ring has a corrupting influence on those who possess it, and Frodo is no expection. He feels drawn to the Ring's power and struggles to resist its allure, even as he recognizes the danger it poses. This temptation is compounded by the fact that Frodo is constantly pursued by the ring's former owner, the evil Sauron, who seeks to reclaim it and use its power to conquer world. Carrying the Ring also places a great burden on Frodo. He feels the physical weight of the ring as well as the emotional weight of the responsibility he bears. He must keep the Ring safe and carry it to fiery depths of Mount Doom to destroy it, a task that seems insurmountable at times. This burden takes a toll on Frodo's body and mind. As Frodo carries the Ring, he experiences physical changes as well. The Ring's influence causes him to become thinner, weaker and more worn drown over time. His healt declines, and he experiences exhaustion, hunger, and thirst as he struggles to keep doing. “Frodo found his senses dazed and his mind darkened. Then suddelny, as if another will were at work against his own, he began to rush, staggering forward as his head shook from side to side, streching out his hands as if to grope.” (Tolkien, The Lord Of The Rings). As can be seen this quote, the mental strain of carrying the Ring also takes a toll on Frodo. He encounter anxiety, paranoia, and hallucinations as a result of its influence. He also experiences a sense of isolation from his companions, as he bears the burden of the ring alone and fears that they may not understand the extent of its power. Frodo changes his attitude about his companionship. Other creatures such as the elves fought heavily to protect Frodo on his way. (Bena and Nicholas, 700).
In conclusion, power of the ring effected Frodo in many ways. The whole journey of Frodo depicted his struggles and efforts to put an end to the ring of evil. It changed his life every aspect and each moment. The impact was so huge that he himself was about to be engulfed by the power of the ring.